AbstractThe technology used by Open, Distance, and Digital Education (ODDE) to deliver educational content includes social media (SM), which provides many opportunities to support learning in ODDE processes. This book chapter explains the use of SM in educational processes and the use of SM as a web-based educational technology, focusing specifically on the development of web technologies and SM from the perspective of ODDE. Furthermore, the chapter explores the affordances and limitations of SM through theoretical/conceptual lenses to better understand social media and its use in ODDE. In examining the research patterns on SM, four themes emerged, suggesting SM supports ODDE learning through: (1) social communication, interaction, and collaboration in online learning communities, (2) improved engagement, motivation, and satisfaction of learners, (3) functionality as an alternative learning management system for blended courses in higher education, and (4) facilitation of networked and connectivist informal learning. With its many social features, SM can be used to assist both formal and informal learning, but there still are some issues to resolve before ODDE can fully adopt it.
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