1. See R. Dehousse, F. Deloche-Gaudez and O. Duhamel, L’élargissement: comment l’Europe s’adapte (Paris, Sciences Po Presses 2006); and H. Wallace, Adapting to Enlargement of the European Union: Institutional Practice since May 2004 (Brussels, TEPSA 2007).
2. For a legal contribution, see S. Blockmans and S. Prechal, ‘The European Integration Process: A Continuum of “Deepening” and “Widening”’, in S. Blockmans and S. Prechal, eds., Reconciling the Deepening and Widening of the European Union (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press 2007) p. 1.
3. See F. Hoffmeister, ‘Changing Requirements for Membership’, in A. Ott and K. Inglis, eds., Handbook on European Enlargement — A Commentary on the Enlargement Process (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press 2002) p. 90; K. Smith, ‘The Evolution and Application of EU Membership Conditionality’, in M. Cremona, ed., The Enlargement of the European Union (Oxford, Oxford University Press 2003) p. 105; and C. Hillion, ‘The Copenhagen Criteria and Their Progeny’, in C. Hillion, ed., EU Enlargement: A Legal Approach (Oxford, Hart Publishing 2004) p. 1.
4. See S. Blockmans, Tough Love: The European Union’s Relations with the Western Balkans (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press 2007) pp. 241–307.
5. See supra n. 3. For a legal analysis, see F. Amtenbrink, ‘On the European Union’s Institutional Capacity to Cope with Further Enlargement’, in S. Blockmans and S. Prechal, eds., Reconciling the Deepening and Widening of the European Union (The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press 2007) p. 111.