1. M. Wyrzykowski, ‘Selected Problems of System Transformation’, in J. Aregger, J. Poczobut, M. Wyrzykowski, eds., Rechtsfragen der Transformation in Polen (Kraków, Wydawnictwo Baran i Suszczyński 1995) pp. 9–33, at p. 10.
2. See, inter alia, A.L. Dimitrova, ed., Driven to Change. The European Union’s Enlargement Viewed from the East (Manchester, Manchester University Press 2004).
3. Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community, OJ 2007 C 306/1.
4. See W. Sadurski, ‘“Solange, chapter 3”: Constitutional Courts in Central Europe — Democracy — European Union’, 14 ELJ (2008) pp. 1–35.
5. See also Z. Kühn, ‘Worlds Apart: Western and Central European Judicial Culture at the Onset of the European Enlargement’, 52 AJCL (2004) pp. 531–568.