1. Sonsino C.M., Berg-Pollack A. and Grubisic V.: Structural durability proof of automotive safety components — Present State of the Art SAE-Paper no. 2005-01-0800,2005.
2. Morgenstern C., Streicher M. and Oppermann H.: Leichtbau mit Aluminium-Schweißverbindungen des Fahrzeugbaus unter korrosiven Umgebungsbedingungen und variablen Belastungsamplituden, Lightweight design with welded aluminium joints of vehicle engineering under corrosive environment and variable amplitude loading, MP Material Testing, 2005, vol. 47, no. 7–8, pp. 2–7 (in German).
3. Sonsino C.M., Bruder T. and Baumgartner J.: S-N lines for welded thin joints — Suggested slopes and FAT values for applying the notch stress concept with various reference radii, Doc. IIW-2078, Welding in the World, 2010, vol. 54, no. 11/12, pp. R375–R392.
4. Sonsino C.M., Morgenstern C., Herbert A., Küppers M., Wohlfahrt H., Krull P., Nitschke-Pagel T., Dilthey U., Kessel M., Krüger U., Gebur J. and Lehmann K.: Grundlagen für den Leichtbau energiesparender Nutzfahrzeuge auf Basis neuartiger Schweiß- und Auslegungsverfahren für Aluminiumkonstruktionen, Basics for lightweight construction of economic commercial vehicles on basis of novel welding and design procedures with aluminium, BMBF (MATECH)-Project, Funding No. 03N30479, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF, Darmstadt/Germany, LBF-Report no. 8289, 2002, partially published in [2] (in German).
5. Sonsino C.M.: Principles of variable amplitude fatigue design and testing, ASTM STP 1439, 2005, pp. 3–23.