1. Barker, J., 1932. Temperature and metabolic balance in the potato.Rep. Fd Invest. Bd for 1931:86–90.
2. Barker, J., 1937a. The influence of temperature on the sucrose/hexose and fructose/glucose relations in potatoes.Rep. Fd Invest. Bd for 1936:174–177.
3. Barker, J., 1937b. The effect of temperature of storage on the sprouting of potatoes.Rep. Fd Invest. Bd for 1936:179–180.
4. Barker, J., 1938. Changes of sugar content and respiration in potatoes stored at different temperatures.Rep. Fd Invest. Bd for 1937:175–177.
5. Barker, J., 1939. The effect of temperature-history on the sensitivity of the sugar/starch balancing system in potatoes.Rep. Fd Invest. Bd for 1938:193–195.