1. Radioactive Pollution as a Result of Nuclear Explosions, Report of the UNSCEAR, A/AC 82/R, 298, June 17, 1975.
2. Sources and Action of Ionizing Radiation, Report of the UNSCEAR at the U.N. General Assembly, New York, Vol. 1 (1978), p. 226.
3. Production of Nuclear Energy, Report of the UNSCEAR, A/AC 82/R, 329, June 15, 1976.
4. C. Kunz, W. Mahoney, and J. Miller, Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.,21, 91 (1975).
5. A. D. Turkin, Dosimetry of Radioactive Gases [in Russian], Atomizdat, Moscow (1973).