Methodological Approaches to Measurement of Carbon-14 for Control of its Radiation Impact on the Personnel and the Public


Klochkov V.1,Kuznetsova L.2,Eremina N.2,Kabanov D.2,Maksimov A2,Berezin S.2,Androsova A3,Klochkova E.2,Surin P.2,Velichko V.2


1. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center (FMBC) FMBA

2. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center, Moscow, Russia

3. A.I. Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center,Moscow, Russia


Purpose: Analysis of the current regulatory and methodological framework on control of doses from intake of 14C for the personnel and the public living in the control area of the nuclear power plant (NPP). Identifying the most informative methods of controlling radiation impact of 14C on a human being. Material and methods: Research literature on radiation impact of naturally occurring 14C; 14C entering the environment as a result of nuclear weapon tests; and 14C entering workplaces and the control area of NPP has been reviewed. Dose coefficients and other radiation characteristics of 14C provided in IAEA, ICRP and UNSCEAR publications have been summarized. Results: According to UNSCEAR, annual radiation burden caused by global 14C is the highest one (about 80 %) among radiation burdens associated with four critical naturally occurring cosmogenic radionuclides: 3H (0.01 µSv/year), 7Be (3.0 µSv/year), 14C (12 µSv/year) and 24Na (0.2µSv/year). The main way of 14C intake is the alimentary one when this isotope enters the human body with food. Dose from this kind of intake of global 14C can reach 40 µSv. The annual dose caused by aerogenic (inhalation) way of intake of global 14C does not exceed 1 µSv. The most informative methods of dose assessment for the personnel of NPP and the public living in the control area involve measurement of content of 14C in top soil, vegetation and food products. Conclusions: Significant amount of 14C enters the environment within the control area during operation of NPP, which causes the public radiation dose exceeding the dose from global 14C. The most informative objects characterizing content of technogenic 14C in the control area of NPP are top soil (humus) and vegetation. The liquid scintillation spectrometry involves sample preparation by burning of samples in oxygen with capturing of generated carbon dioxide and its transfer into organic solvent. This is the most technologically viable method for mass control of 14C content in samples of top soil and vegetation.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Nuclear Energy and Engineering

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