1. Skalak, R., Proc. Symposion on Biomechanics, ASME. (Ed.Y. C. Fung, p. 20.) (p. 20. 1966.)
2. Rudinger, G., Biomedical fluid mechanics symposium, sponsored by Fluid Mechanics Committee, ASME, 1966, p. 1.
3. Shapiro, A. H., Proceedings, workshop on Ureteral Reflux in children, Washington, D.C., National Academy of Science, Natural Research Council, 1967, p. 109.
4. Shapiro, A. H., M. Y. Jaffrin, andS. L. Weinberg, Fluid mechanics laboratory publication No. 68.5, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sept. 1968.
5. Latham, T. W. andA. H. Shapiro, (Abstract) Proc. Annual Conf. on Engg. in Medicine and Biology, San Francisco. (Ed.)G. G. Vurek, vol. 8, 1966, p. 147.