1. World Direct Reduction Statistics–2007, Midrex, Charlotte, NC, 2006, pp. 2–4
2. S. Montague and W.D. Hausler: Direct from Midrex, Midrex, Charlotte, NC, 1999, 4th qu., pp. 3–7
3. R. Bailey: Direct from Midrex, Midrex, Charlotte, NC, 2001, 2nd qu., pp. 7–8
4. S.C. Montague and W.D. Haysler: Proc. 57th Electric Furnace Conf., Pittsburgh, PA, 1999, pp. 607–14
5. G. Whitten: Direct from Midrex, Midrex, Charlotte, NC, 1998, 3rd qu., pp. 3–5