1. Ahlfors, L.V.: Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings, 2nd edn. University Lecture Series, vol. 38. American Mathematical Society, Providence (2006) (With supplemental chapters by C.J. Earle, I. Kra, M. Shishikura and J.H. Hubbard)
2. Alexander, S., Kapovitch, V., Petrunin, A.: Invitation to Alexandrov Geometry: CAT[0] Spaces. arXiv:1701.03483
3. Alexandrov, A.D.: A. D. Alexandrov selected works. Part II. In: Kutateladze, S.S. (ed.) Intrinsic Geometry of Convex Surfaces. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton (2006) (Translated from the Russian by S. Vakhrameyev)
4. Aleksandrov, A.D., Zalgaller, V.A.: Intrinsic Geometry of Surfaces. Translations of Mathematical Monographs, vol. 15. American Mathematical Society, Providence (1967) (Translated from the Russian by J. M. Danskin)
5. Burago, D., Burago, Yu., Ivanov, S.: A Course in Metric Geometry. American Mathematical Society (AMS), Providence (2001)