1. Amchem 1969. Ethrel. Technical Service data sheet. Amchem Prod., Inc. 64 pp.
2. Ben-Yehoshua, S., S. Iwahori and J. M. Lyons. 1970. Role of ethylene and Ethrel in the development of fig fruit. Israel J. Agr. Res.20: 173–177.
3. Coffey, D. L. 1970. Accelerating tomato fruit ripening with Ethrel. Tenn. Farm Home Sci.73: 12–14.
4. Crane, J. C., N. Marei and M. M. Nelson. 1970. Ethrel speeds growth and maturity of figs. Calif. Agr.24(3): 8–10.
5. Dennis, F. G., Jr., H. Wilcynski, M. de la Guardia and R. W. Robinson. 1970. Ethylene levels in tomato fruits following treatment with Ethrel. HortSci.5: 168–70.