1. K. Abe et al., Proposal for an extended run of T2K to 20 × 1021POT, arXiv:1609.04111 [INSPIRE].
2. D. Ayres et al., Letter of intent to build an off-axis detector to study νμ to νe oscillations with the NuMI neutrino beam, hep-ex/0210005 [INSPIRE].
3. KM3NeT collaboration, The ORCA option for KM3NeT, PoS(Neutel 2013)057 [arXiv:1402.1022] [INSPIRE].
4. KM3Net collaboration, Letter of intent for KM3NeT 2.0, J. Phys.G 43 (2016) 084001 [arXiv:1601.07459] [INSPIRE].
5. IceCube PINGU collaboration, Letter of intent: the Precision Icecube Next Generation Upgrade (PINGU), arXiv:1401.2046 [INSPIRE].