1. Anon: NUREG-1536: “Standard Review Plan for Dry Cask Storage Systems: Section 4: Thermal Evaluation,” NRC, Rockville, MD, Jan. 1997.
2. Anon: ASTM Standard B 350/B 350M, “Standard Specification for Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Ingots for Nuclear Applications,” Annual Books of ASTM Standards, Vol. 2.04, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, 2000, pp. 214–16.
3. Anon: NRC Bulletin 96–04, “Chemical, Galvanic, or other Reactions in Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Casks,” NRC, Rockville, MD, July 1996.
4. NISTIR;M.E. Williams,2000
5. J. Dutkiewicz: “The Zn-Zr (Zinc-Zirconium) System,” J. Phase Equilibria, 1992, 13(4), pp. 430–33.