1. V. Bakanic, C. McPhail, R. J. Simon, The manuscript review and decision-making process,American Sociological Review 52 (1987) 631.
2. G. J. Whitehurst, Interrater agreement for journal manuscript reviews,American Psychologist, 39 (1984) 22.
3. S. Lock,A Delicate Balance: Editorial Peer Review in Medicine, Philadelphia, Penn., ISI Press, 1986.
4. E. Garfield, Refereeing and peer review. Part 1. Opinion and Conjecture on the effectiveness of refereeing,Current Contents, (1986) No. 31,3.
5. E. Garfield, Refereeing and peer review. Part 2. The research on refereeing and alternatives to the present system,Current Contents, (1986) No. 32,3.