1. S. Nagamiya:Proceedings of the Hakone Seminar, Hakone, July 1980, edited byK. Nakai andS. Goldhaber, Vol.1, (1980), p. 53.
2. M. Gyulassy:Proceedings of the Hakone Seminar, Hakone, July 1980, edited byK. Nakai andS. Goldhaber, Vol.1, (1980), p. 199.
3. S. Nagamiya:Proceedings of the V High Energy Heavy Ion Summer Study, LBL-21652, Conf.-810504 (Berkeley, May 1981), p. 141.
4. S. Nagamiya andM. Gyulassy:Adv. Nucl. Phys.,13, 201 (1984).
5. J. Randrup andS. E. Koonin:Nucl. Phys. A,356, 223 (1981).