1. AUSTIN, JAMES E.: The Collaboration Challenge. How Nonprofits And Businesses Succeed Through Strategic Alliances, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers 2000.
2. IVANCEVICH, JOHN M./MATTESON, MICHAEL T.: Organizational Behavior And Management, McGraw-Hill Higher Education 2001.
3. LA PIANA, DAVID: Real Collaboration. A Guide For Grantmakers, 2001.(www.lapiana.org/research)
4. MATTESICH, PAUL W./MONSEY, BARBARA: Collaboration: What Makes It Work. St. Paul, Minnesota: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation 1997.
5. WINER, MICHAEL/RAY, KAREN: Collaboration Handbook. Creating, Sustaining And Enjoying The Journey. St. Paul, Minnesota: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation 1994.