Do Black and White Women Hold Different Jobs in the Same Occupation? a Critical Analysis of the Clerical and Service Sectors


Fosu Augustin Kwasi


Employing 1960 and 1981 census data at the three-digit level, the study finds that black and white women were employed at different jobs in the predominantly female clerical and service occupations in both 1960 and 1981. However, there appears to be a slight reduction in black female job dissimilarity with white females between 1960 and 1981 in both occupations. Moreover, while employment of black women, relative to white women, in 1960 was observed to be generally skewed toward the low-paying, low-status jobs in clerical and service occupations, there was little evidence of this trend by 1981. The present results, then, complement previous findings at the more aggregative two-digit level of black female occupational advancement since the mid-1960s.


SAGE Publications


Economics and Econometrics,Cultural Studies

Reference22 articles.

1. Randy P. Albelda, “Occupational Segregation by Race and Gender, 1958– 1981,”Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 39, No. 3 (April 1986), pp. 404–411.

2. A.K. Fosu, “Occupational Mobility of Black Women, 1958–1981: The Impact of Post-1964 Antidiscrimination Measures,”Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 45, No. 2 (January 1992), pp. 281–294.

3. The index was computed using BLS data on occupational employment, with census data on median occupational earnings as weights. For details, see Fosu,ibid.

4. See p. 22, Julianne Malveaux, “The Economic Interests of Black and White Women: Are They Similar?”The Review of Black Political Economy, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Summer 1985), pp. 5–27.

5. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed employment discrimination based upon race, sex and other defined attributes. Racial discrimination was probably the most blatant, however. “Affirmative Action” was established upon the creation in 1965 of the Office of Federal Contract-Compliance Programs (OFCCP) by Executive Order 11246 to monitor the hiring and promotion practices of federal contractors regarding blacks. The system of goals and timetables was required in 1968, and the program was extended to women as a class in 1972.

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