1. ACI 213R-2014 (2014). Guide for Structural Lightweight-Aggregate Concrete, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, ISBN: 978-0-87031-897-9.
2. ACI 318 (2000). Building code requirements for structural concrete, ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 3.
3. ASTM C642-13 (2013). Standard test method for density, absorption, and voids in hardened concrete, Annual Book of ASTM Standard, Vol. 04.02.
4. ASTM C109/109M-13 (2013). Standard test method of compressive strength of hydrualic cement mortars (using 2-in. or [50 mm] cube speciments), Annual Book of ASTM Standard, Vol. 04.01.
5. ASTM C330/C330M-14 (2014). Specification for lightweight agrregates fot structural concrete, Annual Book of ASTM Standard, Vol. 04.01.