1. M. GRAYSON (editor), ?Encyclopedia of composite materials and components?, (Wiley, Toronto, 1983).
2. A. P. DIWANJI and I. W. HALL, in Proceedings of the 6th ICCM and 2nd ECCM, edited by F. L. Matthewis, N. C. R. Buskell, J. M. Hodgkinson and J. Morton (Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1987).
3. S. J. SWINDLEHURST and I. W. HALL, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Cast Reinforced Metal Composites, edited by S. G. Fishmann and A. K. Dhingra (American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1988).
4. Y. KAGAWA and E. NAKATA, Unpublished work.
5. E. NAKATA, Y. KAGAWA and H. TEROA, Report of the Castings Research Laboratory, Wesada University, No. 34 (1983) p. 27.