1. S. R. Ovshinsky:Phys. Rev. Letters, 1968, vol. 21, p. 1450; Proc. of 1968 Elec. Comp. Conf., Wash., D. C., p. 313.
2. Many recent reports on this subject as well as earlier references can be found in the Proceedings of two conferences, “Semiconductor Effects in Amorphous Solids”, New York, May 1969, and “Intl. Conf. on Amorphous and Liquid Semiconductors”, Cambridge, England, Sept. 1969, published, respectively, as vol. 2 and 4 of theJ. Non-Cryst. Sol., 1970.
3. D. Turnbull and M. H. Cohen: inModern Aspects of the Vitreous State, J. D. Mackenzie, ed., vol. 1, p. 38, Butterworth & Co., Ltd., London, 1960; D. Turnbull:Phys. Non-Cryst. Sol., Proc. Intl. Conf., p. 41, North-Holland, Delft, 1965.
4. H. Fritzsche and S. R. Ovshinsky:J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 1970, vol. 2, p. 148; H. Fritzsche: IBM J. Res. and Dev., 1969, vol. 13, p. 515; E. A. Fagen and H. Fritzsche:J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 1970, vol. 2, p. 170.
5. A. Bienenstock, F. Betts, and S. R. Ovshinsky:J. Non-Cryst. Sol., 1970, vol. 2, p. 347.