1. Augustine, St. (1960). The confessions of St. Augustine. J. K. Ryan (Trans.). New York: Doubleday.
2. Bunyan, J. (1957). The pilgrim’s progress. New York: Washington Square. Original published in 1678.
3. Capps, D. (1983). Parabolic events in Augustine’s autobiography. Theology Today, 40, 260–272.
4. Capps, D. (1990a). Reframing: A new method in pastoral care. Minneapolis: Fortress.
5. Capps, D. (1990b). Augustine’s Confessions: The scourge of shame and the silencing of Adeodatus. In D. Capps and J. E. Dittes (Eds.), The hunger of the heart: Reflections on the Confessions of Augustine (pp. 69–92). West Lafayette, IN: Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Monograph Series No. 8.