Surfaces for selective absorption of solar energy: an annotated bibliography 1955?1981


Niklasson G. A.,Granqvist C. G.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials,General Materials Science

Reference565 articles.

1. K. ABEL, ?Sonnenkollektoren; Auf die Selektive Schicht kommt es an?, Sanit. u. Heizungstech. 44 (1979) 447. Brief and popular review.

2. O. P. AGNIHOTRI and B. K. GUPTA, ?Solar Selective Surfaces? (Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1981); 215 pages. Chap. 5 of this book gives the most extensive (? 100 pages) previous review over SSAS. The contents are grouped under several headings: intrinsic materials, absorber?reflector tandems (with b-nickel, b-chrome, b-copper, b-iron, cobalt oxide, tungsten oxide), conversion coatings (Cu2S, b-zinc, coloured SS, aluminium oxide), pure semiconductors (silicon, germanium, PbS), metal suicides and carbides, paints, multilayer interference stacks, optical trapping systems, and composite materials coatings. Fabrication and measurement techniques are discussed and representative data on ? and ? are given in tables. Discussion of EMT for the optical properties of composite materials and of QSE.

3. P. BAUMEISTER, ?A Comparison of Solar Photothermal Coatings?, Proc. Soc. Photo-Opt. Instrum. Eng. 85 (1977) 47. A balanced brief review of SSAS, including a comparison of the cost of various methods of surface preparation.

4. P. BEUCHERIE, ?Selective Absorbant Surfaces for High Temperature Solar Collectors?, in ?Solar Thermal Power Generation?, Course at Ispra, Italy, 1979 (Elsevier Sequoia, Lausanne, 1980) p. 125.

5. A. CHANDRA, ?Selective Coatings for Water Heaters?, Sun World 3 (1979) 106. Brief popular review.







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