1. Arnone, M., Darbar, S., & Gambini, A. (2007). Financial sector governance in banking supervision: Theory and practices. In D. Masciandaro & M. Quintyn (Eds.), Designing institutions for financial stability: Independence, accountability and governance. London: Edward Elgar Publisher.
2. Arnone, M., & Iliopulos, E. (2007). The costs of corruption—economic, institutional and social effects. Milano: Vita e Pensiero. (Originally published in Italian in 2005).
3. Arnone, M., & Mannozzi, G. (2006). Crimini e Misfatti delle Imprese. www.lavoce.info .
4. International Monetary Fund. (2005–2006). Financial sector assessment program-detailed assessments of observance of standards and codes. Washington, DC (For Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, and Switzerland).
5. International Monetary Fund and World Bank. (2006). Anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism: Review of the quality and consistency of assessment reports and the effectiveness of coordination.