1. Ministry of the Environment, Japan (2006, 2008), State of discharge and treatment of municipal solid waste in FY 2005, 2007. Ministry of the Environment, Tokyo (in Japanese)
2. Ministry of the Environment, Japan (2008) Waste management in Japan 2007. Ministry of the Environment, Tokyo (in Japanese)
3. Japan Environmental Sanitation Center (2000,2001) Fact book: waste management and recycling in Japan 2000, 2001. Japan Environmental Sanitation Center, Tokyo (in Japanese)
4. Japan Waste Management Association (2006) Guidelines for planning and designing waste treatment facility revised edition. Japan Waste Management Association, Tokyo (in Japanese)
5. Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan (2009) Manual for calculation and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, Ver.2.4 (Title II) 25–27 (in Japanese)