1. Atlas of Uganda. 1967. Second ed. Department of Lands and Surveys, Uganda. 81 pp.
2. Boughey, A. S. 1955a. The nomenclature of the vegetation zones of the mountains of Africa. Webbia 11: 413–423.
3. Boughey, A. S. 1955b. The vegetation of the mountains of Biafra. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. Session 165, 1952–53, Pt. 2: 144–150.
4. Cain, S. A. & G. M. Castro. 1959 Manual of vegetation analysis. New York. 325 pp.
5. Chapman, J. D. & F. White. 1970. The evergreen forests of Malawi. Commonwealth Forestry Institute, University of Oxford. 190 pp.