1. Cf. Gobind Nankani: Development Problems of Mineral-Exporting Countries, in: World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 354, Washington 1979.
2. Chile (1974, 1975), Bolivia (1981), Jamaica (1981), Liberia (1980), Peru (1978), Sierra Leone (1977, 1980), Togo (1979, 1980), Zaire (1976, 1977, 1979, 1981). Cf. OECD: External Debt of Developing Countries, Paris 1981, Table 12.
3. Cf. OECD, loc. cit. External Debt of Developing Countries, Paris 1981, Table 12.
4. Cf. Sambia in Zahlungsverzug (Zambia behind with Payments), in: Blick durch die Wirtschaft, 21. 2. 1978; Sambia, IWF-Kredit (Zambia, IMF Credit), in: Nachrichten für Außenhandel, 21. 3. 1978.
5. Cf. Mauretania: Stand-by Arrangement, in: International Monetary Fund: IMF Survey, 4. 8. 1980.