1. Cf. World Bank, World Development Report 1982, Washington D.C.
2. Calculated on the basis of OECD data; cf. OECD: Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries, Paris 1984.
3. Cf. OECD, ibid. Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows to Developing Countries, Paris 1984. and World Bank: World Debt Tables, 1983–84 edition.
4. With regard to the functions of state borrowing, see Rainer Erbe: Die öffentliche Auslandsverschuldung von Entwicklungsländern, in: Armin Gutowski, Bruno Molitor (eds.): Hamburger Jahrbuch für Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftspolilik, Vol. 28, Tübingen 1983, pp. 253 f.
5. Cf. Susanne Schattner: Mineral Economies—Indebtedness Without Growth, in: INTERECONOMICS, No. 5, 1982.