1. Babcock and Wilcox Power Generation Group, 2009, Spray Dry Gas Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems.
2. Barr Engineering Company, 2003, Potential Impacts of the Federal Regional Haze and Best Available Retrofit Technology Rules on the Taconite Industry in Minnesota, Final Report for Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, September 30, 2003.
3. Berndt, M., 2009, “Mercury control test results at Minnesota taconite plants,” presented at the SME Minnesota Section Conference, Duluth Mn, April 14.
4. Berndt, M., 2012, “Summary of Phase One Research Results (2010–2012),” Taconite Mercury Emissions Control Studies, Minnesota Taconite Mercury Control Advisory Committee, final report submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, November 29, 2012.
5. Berndt, M., and Bavin, T. 2012, On the Cycling of Sulfur and Mercury in the St. Louis River Watershed, Northeastern Minnesota, An Environmental and Natural Trust Fund Final Report, August 15, 2012.