1. THORLEY, A.R.D. Can we develop a safe check valve? Procs. Internatinal Conference on Developments in Valves and Actuators for Fluid Control, BHRA, Oxford, U.K., September 1985
2. PROVOOST, G.A. The dynamic characteristic of non-return valves Procs. 11th IAHR Symposium of the section of Hydraulic Machinery, Equipment and Cavitation; “Operating problems of pump stations and power plants”, Amsterdam, September 1982
3. ELLIS, J. and MUALLA, W. Selection of check valves Procs. 5th International Conference on Pressure Surges, Hannover, F.R. Germany, 2224 September, 1986
4. PROVOOST, G.A. To present the dynamic property of undampened check valves Paper presented at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., November 13–18, 1983
5. PROVOOST, G.A. The dynamic behaviour of non-return valves Procs. 3rd International Conference on Pressure Surges, Canterbury, England, March 25–27, 1980