1. Flexner A (1910) Medical education in the United States and Canada: a report to the Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, New York, pp 322–323. http://www.archive.org/details/medicaleducation00flexiala/ . Accessed 20 June 2010
2. Anonymous (1913) A list of fellows. American College of Surgeons, Chicago, p 8. http://www.archive.org/stream/yearboo1913ameruoft#page/8/mode/2up/search/wishart/ . Accessed 18 June 2011
3. Anonymous (1867) Toronto lying-in hospital, course certificate (March 10, 1867). Wishart collection. University of Western Ontario Archives and Research Collections Centre, London
4. Anonymous (1882) Ontario medical register. The College of Physicians and Surgeon of Ontario, Toronto, p 109. http://www.archive.org/stream/publishedontario1882coll#page/108/mode/2up/ . Accessed 19 June 2011
5. Barr ML (1977) A century of medicine at western. The University of Western Ontario, London