1. S. D. Anderson. A Simulation Substrate for Real-Time Planning. PhD thesis, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, February 1995. Also available as Computer Science Department Technical Report 95–80.
2. M. S. Atkin and P. R. Cohen. Using simulation and critical points to define states in continuous search spaces. In Proceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference, pages 464–470, 2000.
3. M. S. Atkin, D. L. Westbrook, and P. R. Cohen. Capture the Flag: Military simulation meets computer games. In Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium Series on AI and Computer Games, pages 1–5, 1999.
4. M. S. Atkin, D. L. Westbrook, and P. R. Cohen. Domain-general simulation and planning with physical schemas. In Proceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference, pages 1730–1738, 2000.
5. M. S. Atkin, D. L. Westbrook, P. R. Cohen, and G. D. Jorstad. AFS and HAC: Domain-general agent simulation and control. In Working Notes of the Workshop on Software Tools for Developing Agents, AAAI-98, pages 89–95, 1998.