1. Hilton J (2022) Revaluing NORM residues: the circular economy dividend. Paper presented at Norm X Symposia 2022, Utrecht Accessed 11 Feb 2023
2. Hilton, J (2020) Leadership, innovation, partnership – setting the scene. Paper presented at International Conference on the Management of NORM in Industry, Virtual Event
3. Hilton J (2010) Phosphogypsum (PG): uses and current handling practices worldwide Aleff group. Paper presented at 25th Annual Regional Mining & Phosphate Conference, Florida Accessed 11 Feb 2023
4. Hilton, J 2021, ‘Revalorisation of residues in the scope of the circular economy insights from the fertiliser industry.’, paper presented at National Workshop on the Holistic Approach to NORM Management, Accessed 11 Feb 2023.
5. Van Kauwenbergh SJ (2010) World phosphate rock reserves and resources, www.IFDC.org. International Fertilizer Development Center, Alabama https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADW835.pdf