1. C.F. Hawkins and J.M. Soden, ?Electrical characteristics and testing considerations for gate oxide shorts in CMOS ICs,? Proc. Int. Test Conf., pp. 544?555, November 1985.
2. C.F. Hawkins and J.M. Soden, ?Reliability and electrical properties of gate-oxide shorts in CMOS ICs,? Proc. Int. Test Conf., pp. 443?451, September 1986.
3. L.K. Horning, J.M. Soden, R.R. Fritzemeier, and Ch.F. Hawkins, ?Measurements of quiescent power supply current for CMOS ICs in production testing,? Proc. Int. Test Conf., pp. 300?309, September 1987.
4. M. Jacomino, J.-L. Rainard, and R. David, ?Fault detection in CMOS circuits by consumption measurements,? IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 38, pp. 773?778, June 1989.
5. W. Maly, P. Nigh, P.K. Nag, D.B.I. Feltham, and L.R. Carley, ?Built-in current testing. Part I,? Research Report No. CMUCAD-88-27, June 1988.