1. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, edited by D. L. Sills, Macmillan Co. & The Free Press, 1968. (The small section TSystems Analysis’ contains contributions by A. Rapoport on General Systems Theory, pp. 452–458; by J. Parsons on Social Systems, pp. 458–473; by W. C. Mitchell on Political Systems, pp. 473–479; by M. A. Kaplan on International Systems, pp. 479–486; and by D. S. Cockman on Psychological Systems, pp. 486–495.)
2. Main trends of research in the social and human sciences. (Part I: Social Sciences). Mouton/Unesco, Paris, The Hague, 1970. (The large section interdisciplinary aspects of research’ contains contributions by J. Piaget on common mechanisms, pp. 467–528; by R. Boudon on mathematical models, pp. 529–577; by P. de Bie on problem-focused research, pp. 578–644; and by S. Rokkan on cross-cultural, cross-societal, and cross-national research, pp. 645–692.)
3. E. Laszlo, Introduction to Systems Philosophy, Harper & Row, New York, 1972.
4. J. Piaget, Le Structuralisme, Presse Universitaires de France, Paris, 1970.
5. R. K. Merton, Social Theory and Social Structure, The Free Press of Glencoe, pp. 19–84, 1957.