1. V.Y. Kotsubo, D.L. Johnson, and R.G. Ross Jr., “Calorimetric Thermal-Vacuum Performance Characterization of the BAe 80K Space Cryocooler,” 27th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference. SAE Paper No. 929037, San Diego, August, 1992.
2. V. Kotsubo, D.L. Johnson, and R.G. Ross, Jr., “Cold-tip Off-state Conduction Loss of Miniature Stirling-Cycle Cryocoolers,” Adv. Cryo. Engin., vol. 37B (1991), p. 10327.
3. R.G. Rossjr., D.L. Johnson, and, V.Y. Kotsubo, BAe 80K Stirling Cryocooler: Performance Characterization. JPL Internal Document D-9912, May 1992.
4. D.L. Johnson, G.R. Mon, and R.G. Rossjr., BAe 55k Development Model Cryocooler: Performance Characterization. JPL Internal Document D-10276, May 1993.
5. G.T. Smedley, D.L. Johnson, and R.G. Rossjr., Stirling Technology Company 80K TDM Cryocooler: Performance Characterization. JPL Internal Document D-11270, July 1993.