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2. Kotsubo, V., Johnson, D.L. and Ross, R.G., Jr., “Cold-tip Off-state Conduction Loss of Miniature Stirling Cycle Cryocoolers,” Adv. Crvo. Engin., Vol. 37B (1991), p. 1037–1043.
3. Ross, R.G., Jr., Johnson, D.L. and Kotsubo, V., “Vibration Characterization and Control of Miniature Stirling-cycle Cryocoolers for Space Application,” Adv. Crvo. Engin.,” Vol. 37B (1991), p. 1019–1027.
4. Johnson, D.L. and Ross, R.G., Jr., “Electromagnetic Compatibility Characterization of a BAe Stirling-cycle Cryocooler for Space Applications,” Adv. Crvo. Engin.,” Vol. 37B (1991), p. 1045–1053.
5. Kotsubo, V.Y., Johnson, D.L., and Ross, R.G., Jr., “Calorimetric Thermal-Vacuum Performance Characterization of the BAe 80 K Space Cryocooler”, SAE Paper No. 929037, Proceedings of the 27th Intersocietv Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, California. August 3–7. 1992. P-259, Vol. 5, pp. 5.101-5.107.