Why Does Neonatal Circumcision Persist in the United States?


Van Howe Robert S.


Springer US

Reference80 articles.

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4. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Statement on Neonatal Circumcision. December 1978.

5. Patel DA, Flaherty EG, Dunn J. Factors affecting the practice of circumcision. Am J Dis Child 1982; 136: 634–6.

Cited by 3 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Circumcision of male infants as a human rights violation;Journal of Medical Ethics;2013-05-22

2. Tortured Bodies, Tortured Doctrines: Informed Consent as a Legal Fiction Inapplicable to Neonatal Male Circumcision;Genital Cutting: Protecting Children from Medical, Cultural, and Religious Infringements;2013

3. Circumcision in America in 1998;Male and Female Circumcision








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