1. ÆHom 2 = Pope, J. C. (Ed.). (1967–1968). Homilies of Ælfric: A supplementary collection, 2 vols., EETS. o.s. 259, 260. London: Oxford University Press.
2. ÆLS Memory of Saints = Skeat, W. W. (Ed. and trans.). (1881–1890). Ælfric’s lives of saints: EETS o.s. 76. New York: Oxford University Press (reprinted 2004).
3. ÆCHom I = Clemoes, B. (Ed.). (1997). Ælfric’s catholic homilies: The first series, text. EETS s.s.17. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
4. ÆCHom II = Godden, M. (Ed.). (1979). Ælfric’s catholic homilies: The second series, text. EETS s.s. 5. London: Oxford University Press.
5. Bede = Miller, T (Ed.). (1890–1898). The Old English version of Bede’s ecclesiastical history of the English people, 4 vols., EETS o.s. 95, 96, 110, 111. London: Oxford University Press (reprinted: 1959–63).