1. A. Brodnik and J. I. Munro, Membership in Constant Time and Minimum Space, Proc. Algorithms — ESA '94, LNCS 855 (1994) 72–81.
2. D. R. Clark, Compact Pat Trees, manuscript, University of Waterloo (1996).
3. D. R. Clark and J. I. Munro, Succinct Representation of Trees, in preparation, University of Waterloo (1996).
4. R. W. Floyd, Algorithm 245: Treesort 3, Communications of the ACM, 7 (1964) 701.
5. G. H. Gonnet, R. A. Baeza-Yates and T. Snider, Lexicographic Indices for Text: Inverted Files vs. Pat Trees, Tech. Rpt. OED-91-01, Centre for the New OED, University of Waterloo (1991).