1. Campbell, J. C. 1951. 1950 potato variety trials. Hints to Potato Growers, 31: No. 11.
2. Greenwood, Mary L., Margaret H. McKenrick, and C. I. Bliss. 1952. A comparison of scoring methods for taste tests. (To be published)
3. Hawkins, Arthur. 1952. Yield and specific gravity of potato varieties in Connecticut trials, 1948–1950. Amer. Potato Jour. 29: (In press)
4. Kirkpatrick, Mary E., Beatrice M. Mountjoy, Linda C. Albright, and P. H. Heinze. 1951. Cooking quality, specific gravity, and reducing-sugar content of early-crop potatoes. U. S. Dept. Agr. Circ. 872.
5. Merchant, Charles H., Jeanne E. Mayberry, and William E. Schrumpf. 1951. Seven-year summary of grade quality of U. S. No. 1 Maine Potatoes. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta., Mimeo. Report 21.