1. H.M.Ajvazyan. Abnormal radar backscattering of submillimeter waves from cloud ice particles (the first paper in this volume).
2. L.J.Battan. Radar observation of the atmosphere. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1973.
3. V.D.Stepanenko. Radar in meteorology. L.: Hydrometeoizdat, 1973, 343p.
4. S.A.Zhevakin, A.P.Naumov. On the coefficient of electromagnetic wave absorption by water vapour in the bandwidth 10 to 2cm. Izv. VUZov, ?Radiofizika?, 1963, v. 6 No. 4, pp. 674?694.
5. S.A.Zhevakin, A.P.Naumov. Propagation of centimeter, millimeter and submillimeter waves in the Earth's atmosphere. Izv. VUZov, ?Radiofizika?, 1967, v. 10, No. 9-10, pp. 1213?1243.