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3. Ajvazyan H.M. Detection of Hail Formation Process: Liquid Drops Transition Into Ice in Clouds, by Radar Reflection of Submillimeter Waves. Doklady Armenian Ac.Sci., 1988, v.84 no. 4, pp. 166–169.
4. Ajvazyan H.M. Abnormal Radar Backscattering of Submillimeter Waves From Cloud Ice Particles. Int.Journ. of IR and MM Waves, 1991, v.12, no.8, pp.919–944.
5. Ajvazyan H.M. Small-Angle Reflection Effect on the Extinction, Scattering, and Absorption of Abnormal Radar Emission by a Cloud and Atmosphere. Preprint IRPhE, Armenian Ac.Sci., Ashtarak, 1991, no.3, 39 pp.