1. Anstey, Peter R., and Stephen A. Harris. 2006. Locke and Botany. Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37(2) (June): 151–171.
2. Aquinas, Thomas. 2002. The Treatise of Human Nature: Summa Theologiae 1a75–89. Ed. and trans. Robert Pasnau. Indianapolis: Hackett.
3. Berkeley, George. 1713/1979. Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous. Ed. R.M. Adams. Indianapolis: Hackett. Cited internally as Dialogues, followed by edition page number.
4. Berkeley, George. 1784/1910. A New Theory of Vision and Other Writings. Ed. Lindsay, A.D. London: Everyman’s Library. Cited internally as NTV followed by paragraph number.
5. Bermùdez, J.L. 2007. The Object Properties Model of Object Perception: between the Binding Model and the Theoretical Model. Journal of Consciousness Studies 14(9–10): 43–65.