1. An Antidote or Soveraigne Remedie against the pestiferous writings of all English sectaries. And in particuler against D. Whitaker, D. Fulke, D. Bilson, D. Reynolds, D. Sparkes and D. Field, the chiefe upholders, some of Protestancy, some of Puritanisme. Devided into three Partes With special reference to “The True Difference between Christian Subjection and Unchristian Rebellion”. (1622). 1, 2. Available at: https://www.google.ru/books/edition/An_Antidote_or_Soveraigne_Remedie_agains/5-xiAAAAcAAJ?hl=ru&gbpv=0 (accessed 01.03.2022).
2. Apresyan, R. G. (2006). Ethical problems in the “Experience of Human Understanding” by J. Locke. In: Historical and Philosophical yearbook. Moscow: Nauka. 132—152. ISBN 5-02-033856-7. (In Russ.).
3. Arakin, V. D. (2001). History of the English language: textbook. Moscow: Fizmatlit. 272 p. ISBN 5-9221-0032-7. (In Russ.).
4. Ashcraft, R. (1991). John Locke: Critical Assessments. London: Routledge. 715 p. ISBN 0415008476.
5. Benvenist, E. (1995). Dictionary of Indo-European social terms. Moscow: Progress-University. 456 p. ISBN 5-01-003860-9. (In Russ.).