1. C.-F. Bödigheimer: Stable splittings of mapping spaces. Proc. Seattle (1985), Springer LNM 1286, p. 174–187.
2. C.-F. Bödigheimer, F.R. Cohen, R.J. Milgram: On deleted symmetric products. In preparation.
3. C.-F. Bödigheimer, F.R. Cohen, M. Peim: Mapping spaces and the hyperelliptic mapping class group. In preparation.
4. C.-F. Bödigheimer, F.R. Cohen, L. Taylor: Homology of configuration spaces. To appear in Topology.
5. F.R. Cohen, R. Cohen, N. Kuhn, J. Neisendorfer: Bundles over configuration spaces. Pac. J. Math. 104 (1983), p. 47–54.