1. Egon E. Bergel, Social Stratification (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1962).
2. Sidney J. Levy, “Social Class and Consumer Behavior,” in Buyer Behavior, ed. John A. Howard and Lynn E. Ostlund (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973).
3. Pierre Martineau, “Social Classes and Spending Behavior,” Journal of Marketing, Volume 23 (October 1968).
4. Harold M. Hodges “Peninsula People: Social Stratification in a Metropolitan Complex”, in Permanence and Change in Social Class, ed. W. Clayton Lang (Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman Publishing Co., 1968). See also Harold M. Hodges, Underdogs and Middle Americans, 2nd Edition (Morningside, New Jersey: General Learning Press, 1976).
5. Hodges, “Peninsula People,” p. 5.