1. Callan E. (1997). Creating citizens: Political education and liberal democracy. Oxford, Clarendon Press
2. Coyote I. (2000). Close to Spiderman. Vancouver, BC, Arsenal Pulp Press
3. Davis L. (1995). Enforcing normalcy: Disability, deafness, and the body. London, Verso
4. Dewey, J. (1964). The relation of theory to practice in education. In R.D. Archambault (Ed.), John Dewey on education: Selected writings (pp. 313-38). New York: Random House. (Original work published 1904)
5. Freire, P. (2001). Reading the world and reading the word: An interview with Paulo Freire. In W. Hare & J.P. Portelli (Eds.), Philosophy of education: Introductory readings (pp. 145-152, 3rd ed.). Calgary, AB: Detselig.