1. Alexandrowicz, C. H., World Economic Agencies. Law and Practice (London: Stevens, 1962 ). A comprehensive study of most Specialized Agencies together with Gatt and international commodity agreements.
2. Development of International Law by Specialized Agencies’, Proceedings Asil (Washington, D.C.: April 1965, pp. 139–60). Selected problems concerning some Specialized Agencies discussed by a panel.
3. Peaslee, A. J., International Governmental Organizations: Constitutional Documents, 2nd (rev.) ed., 2 vols. (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1961 ). A complete collection of constituent instruments of international organizations, with brief introductory notes and bibliographies.
4. Yearbook of the United Nations 1946–7 to present. Part ii of each Yearbook summarizes the activities of agencies related to the United Nations and includes constituent instruments and other important texts.
5. Agoston, I., Le Conseil d’Assistance Économique Mutuelle ( Geneva: E. Droz, 1964 ).