Dissecting the genetic basis of resistance to Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV) in durum wheat by bi-parental mapping and GWAS


Bruschi Martina,Bozzoli Matteo,Ratti Claudio,Sciara Giuseppe,Goudemand Ellen,Devaux Pierre,Ormanbekova Danara,Forestan Cristian,Corneti Simona,Stefanelli Sandra,Castelletti Sara,Fusari Elena,Novi Jad B,Frascaroli Elisabetta,Salvi Silvio,Perovic Dragan,Gadaleta Agata,Rubies-Autonell Concepcion,Sanguineti Maria Corinna,Tuberosa Roberto,Maccaferri MarcoORCID


AbstractSoil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV), the causative agent of wheat mosaic, is a Furovirus challenging wheat production all over Europe. Differently from bread wheat, durum wheat shows greater susceptibility and stronger yield penalties, so identification and genetic characterization of resistance sources are major targets for durum genetics and breeding. The Sbm1 locus providing high level of resistance to SBCMV was mapped in bread wheat to the 5DL chromosome arm (Bass in Genome 49:1140–1148, 2006). This excluded the direct use of Sbm1 for durum wheat improvement. Only one major QTL has been mapped in durum wheat, namely QSbm.ubo-2B, on the 2BS chromosome region coincident with Sbm2, already known in bread wheat as reported (Bayles in HGCA Project Report, 2007). Therefore, QSbm.ubo-2B = Sbm2 is considered a pillar for growing durum in SBCMV-affected areas. Herein, we report the fine mapping of Sbm2 based on bi-parental mapping and GWAS, using the Infinium 90 K SNP array and high-throughput KASP®. Fine mapping pointed out a critical haploblock of 3.2 Mb defined by concatenated SNPs successfully converted to high-throughput KASP® markers coded as KUBO. The combination of KUBO-27wPt-2106-ASO/HRMKUBO-29, and KUBO-1 allows unequivocal tracing of the Sbm2-resistant haplotype. The interval harbors 52 high- and 41 low-confidence genes, encoding 17 cytochrome p450, three receptor kinases, two defensins, and three NBS-LRR genes. These results pave the way for Sbm2 positional cloningImportantly, the development of Sbm2 haplotype tagging KASP® provides a valuable case study for improving efficacy of the European variety testing system and, ultimately, the decision-making process related to varietal characterization and choice.


Horizon 2020 Framework Programme


Cluster Emilia-Romagna

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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