Dissipative structures and weak turbulence


Manneville Paul


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference40 articles.

1. For a more developed introduction, consult: P. Manneville, Dissipative Structures and Weak Turbulence (Academic Press, 1990). 2. Seminal articles are: a) L.D. Landau, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 44(1944)339, reprinted in Collected Papers of L.D. Landau, D. ter Haar, Ed. (Pergamon Press, 1965)

2. D. Ruelle & F. Takens, Comm. Math. Phys. 20, 167 (1971).

3. D. Ruelle, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sc. 316, 408 (1979); and also “Where can one hope to profitably apply the ideas of chaos,” Physics Today, July 1994.

4. G. Nicolis & I. Prigogine, Self-organization in nonequilibrium systems, from dissipative structures to order through fluctuations (Wiley, 1977).

5. For a physical viewpoint consult: H. Haken, Synergetics (Springer-Verlag, 1983); and for mathematical aspects: J. Guckenheimer & P. Holmes, Nonlinear oscillations, dynamical systems and bifurcation of vector fields (Springer-Verlag, 1983); or also: G. looss, “Reduction of the dynamics of a bifurcation problem using normal forms and symmetries,” in Instabilities and nonequilibrium structures, E. Tirapegui & D. Villaroel, Eds. (Reidel, 1987).

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